Sunday, June 29, 2008


I love food; the smell of it, the taste of it, the look of it, the feel of it. I love the colors and the textures, the way that it can bring back memories, both happy and sad. I love that food is served at all major events and occasions in our lives but is also a part of our daily living. I love how it brings families, cultures and people together, I love how it can deliver pleasure, ease pain and nourish us, body and soul. I love all kinds of food and though my heritage is Brazilian-USA/American, I love food from all corners of the globe. My first cooking memory was when I was 4 years old. My parents bought me a play stove and oven, complete with cupboards, pots, pans and even plastic veggies, fruits and meats. Though I am sure that my culinary creations were quite primitive at the time, these "play" meals instilled a need to cook, prepare and create within me that still thrives today. I hope you like my blog, my take on food and on cooking and that I can learn some new tips and recipes from you. I also hope that I can be a part of your culinary journey and that we can explore the wonderful world of food together!

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